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New York State Universal Service Fund
Second Assessment
For Funding Year 2025

The New York State Universal Service Fund was established in order to help ensure that affordable basic telephone service is universally available throughout the state of New York.

On August 17, 2012, the New York Public Service Commission (NY PSC) issued its Order in Case 09-M-0527, which established the NYSUSF for a four-year term beginning on January 1, 2013. On September 16, 2016, the NY PSC issued its Order in Case 15-M-0742, extending the NYSUSF for an additional four-year term beginning on January 1, 2017. On December 23, 2020 the NY PSC issued its further Order in Case 15-M-0742, extending the NYSUSF for an additional two- year term beginning on January 1, 2021. On December 15, 2022 the NY PSC issued its further Order in Case 15-M-0742, extending the NYSUSF for an additional four- year term, beginning on January 1, 2023. You can view these Orders on the New York Public Service Commission website.

It has been determined that the second installment of the 2025 assessment will be billed in the amount of $1,800,000. The assessment base has been determined to be the 2021 TAF annual assessable revenues, with some exceptions.

The second installment for 2025 invoices will be billed on or about 04/15/2024 with payments due no later than 05/15/2025.

If you have any questions regarding this, please contact NYSUSF staff at (518) 443-2808.

The Targeted Accessibility Fund of New York, Incorporated (TAF) was established by the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) in 1998 as a mechanism to ensure the proper funding by the telecommunications carriers of various targeted programs as defined by the PSC. The programs identified were Lifeline, emergency services E911, Public Interest Pay Phones, and the Telecommunications Relay System. TAF funding for these programs were developed on an explicit, competitive basis and is adminis trated by the New York Intrastate Access Settlement Pool, Inc.

It is required, by regulation, that all certified telecommunication carriers doing business in New York State participate in TAF. It is the responsibility of each carrier to contact TAF for the assignment of a TAF identification number. This web site provides each company with the required information to participate and stay in compliance with the New York State Public Service Regulations. It is encouraged to contact TAF Staff who would be happy to provide you any guidance in complying with the TAF requirements.

Welcome to TAF

March reporting dates
Monthly reporting due
Invoices mailed
Payments due to TAF
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For payment inquiries please contact the TAF Staff
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TAF phone:
518 443-2808
TAF fax:
518 443-2809

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